Member of the Month

Join us in celebrating our Member of the Month

Tell us a little bit about you and your family? I’ve been married to my workout partner Melissa for 24 years. We have 3 children. Julian 19, Melina 17, and Elijah 16. They all have done Crossfit at one time.

Occupation? District Manager for PAQ INC DBA Food 4 Less and Rancho San Miguel Markets.

Tell us something we don’t know about you? I currently coach JV Girls Basketball at LBHS and have been doing so for over 10 years.

When did you start training at CrossFit Valleyview? Started in November 2023

What did you think after completing your first CrossFit workout? I am going to die. What did I get myself into.

Main reason for joining CFVV?  Tired of being out of shape and not feeling healthy.

What is your fitness background? Growing up I played basketball and worked out occasionally.

How has your CFVV fitness journey improved your life? Has improved my energy to complete daily tasks.

What results have you seen so far since joining CFVV?  My blood pressure treatments have decreased throughout this journey. I also feel stronger.

What is your favorite workout? So far Jackie

Do you have any special or successful training memories/moments? Just staying consistent with my attendance. trying my best to make 3 days a week no matter what the work out is.

What is your next health/fitness goal? Continue getting stronger and move from the intermediate level to the RX crew.

What advice would you give someone thinking of starting CFVV?

Its going to suck, but the way you feel after every workout is priceless. 

Tell us a little bit about you and your family?
I was born in San Jose, California, and grew up in an active, sports-loving family alongside my sister. From a young age, we’ve always been into sports and being active.  
I work as a Physical Therapist Assistant, where I help people regain their strength and mobility, making a positive impact on their recovery journey. 
Tell us something we don’t know about you?
I love playing video games, but I have to be mindful because it’s easy to lose track of time. 
When did you start training at CrossFit ValleyView?
I began doing CrossFit in February, 2022  
What did you think after completing your first CrossFit workout?
My first CrossFit workout was a humbling experience. Although I had been working out inconsistently for three years and had gained a fair amount of strength and muscle from regular gym sessions, it quickly became clear that my endurance was lacking. Despite this, the challenge was engaging, and I knew right away that I was going to enjoy the journey ahead.  
Main reason for joining CFVV? 
My primary motivation for joining CrossFit stems from my experience in the physical therapy field, where I often encounter illnesses and injuries. I joined CrossFit to invest in my health and fitness while I’m still young, so I can continue doing the things I love as I get older. 
What is your fitness background?
I’ve been playing soccer for 19 years, competing in both travel leagues and high school. After high school, I transitioned into weightlifting and have been lifting for about four years now. 
How has your CFVV fitness journey improved your life?
CrossFit has significantly improved my life by allowing me to have a solid foundation of fitness, enabling me to confidently perform the physical activities I want to try. Whether it’s hiking, biking, endurance events, or even a sprint triathlon, I feel prepared and capable, all while minimizing the risk of injury. 
What results have you seen so far since joining CFVV? 
Since joining CrossFit, I’ve noticed a significant boost in my energy levels. I no longer feel the need for a nap after work, and I’m able to perform my job more effectively. I know that if needed, I have the strength and confidence to transfer patients with ease.  
What is your favorite workout?
My favorite workout is the MURPH. I love it because it challenges me both physically and mentally. It is also a good idea to have a strategy going into the workout so that you can make sure you can complete it.  
Do you have any special or successful training memories/moments?
One of my favorite memories so far has been participating in the CrossFit Games we held this year. It was my first time competing, and I really enjoyed showing up every Friday to challenge myself against my fellow classmates. I enjoyed the competitiveness, but what I enjoyed most was the camaraderie we shared throughout the event. 
What is your next health/fitness goal?
My next fitness goal is to run a full marathon, which I’m planning to do in December. I’m currently searching for the right event. Alongside that, I’m also focused on improving my Olympic lifts, as my technique is still in the early stages 
What advice would you give someone thinking of starting CFVV?
My advice for anyone thinking about starting CrossFit is not to worry about their current fitness level. The great thing about CrossFit is that the coaches are skilled at scaling the workouts to meet you where you are, so you’ll be challenged no matter your starting point. The most important thing is to stay consistent

Tell us a little bit about you and your family?
I grew up in a very active, outdoorsy family. Both of my parents were long distance runners,
and my mom played soccer for Chico State. The majority of my family lives in Butte County, so I
enjoy going up north and getting to hike, run, fish, and camp with them. Here in Los Banos, I
recently roped my other half (Travis) into Crossfit!
I am the San Joaquin Valley Lead Project Manager for a nationwide transportation non-profit,
CALSTART. Some of my projects include curriculum development for Career Technical
Education, energy equity projects, community engagement, working with local utilities and
public transit agencies, administering State incentives, and I do a lot of grant writing.
Tell us something we don’t know about you?
I have been to every state except Vermont.
When did you start Training?
I joined CFVV in August, 2023 (Happy one year!)
What did you think after completing your first Workout?
Something to the effect of…
1. Damn.
2. That was awesome! What’s next?
Main reason for joining CFVV Training?
I really missed feeling athletic, specifically within the context of being on a team. Being new to
Los Banos while finishing up my doctorate from home meant I wasn’t socializing (or exercising)
much. Joining CFVV felt like a great way to meet new friends with shared interests while getting
back to an active state.

What is your fitness background?
I’ve been a lifelong athlete, starting ballet at 3, swimming competitively, and then playing
varsity volleyball, basketball, softball, and soccer- clear into competitive club volleyball in
undergrad. As an adult I enjoyed distance running until I ruptured my achilles playing co-ed
soccer in March 2020. I didn’t realize how much I had taken a fit/active lifestyle for granted
until I found myself having to scoot up and down stairs on my backside for several months.
What results have you seen so far since starting?
First and foremost, my mental health has benefited tremendously. School was draining on my
body and mind. I have something to look forward to each day that gets me out of the house
and makes me feel good about myself.
I am also chronically ill – I have had chronic migraine since 2013, with symptoms literally every
single day of my life since then, which can vary drastically from day to day. While high intensity
workouts aren’t the go-to recommendation for people with migraine and headache disorders, I
find Crossfit has been a perfect fit for me with scalability, excellent coaching, and an awesome
neurologist who supports me in doing what works for my body and nervous system.
On bad flare days, I just show up, do what I’m told with as little thinking as possible, and focus
on moving my body. On good days, I try to push that much harder. Crossfit has strengthened
my body and mental health, which has undoubtedly improved my migraine threshold, and I
consider it an essential part of my management toolkit. When workouts get tough, I lean on
what I tell myself when I am at my worst pain levels – “this too shall pass!” Coupled with my
treatment protocols, I have consistently had fewer severe flare days per month.
What is your favorite movement?
Cleans have been really enjoyable. I always feel strong and capable after workouts involving
cleans, and I feel really in tune with my body when thinking through the movements and cues.
Do you have any special or successful Training memories/moments?
I felt such a rush completing a full (movement scaled) Murph for the first time. Connecting a
collective, shared purpose with my own “why” was empowering. At the beginning, I had my
goals set and was going to do a half Murph, with banded pull ups and knee push ups. Then part
way through, I realized I passed the halfway threshold for reps, having set up my whiteboard
incorrectly. At that point, might as well keep going! Since then I have been slightly delusional,
perhaps, thinking “Hey! if I can do Murph, then I can do x,y,z…”
What are your future fitness goals?
This summer is full of them! Short term – a pull up, the Pacheco High sprint triathlon, and then a
Ragnar race with gym mates in August! Long term – I am working to build back up to consistent
long distance running and exploring road biking. Maybe a century ride?

What advice would you give to a newbie or someone just joining our Training?
New moves or lifts can be tough without a strong mental picture, so if you don’t feel confident
about a move or workout, watch how others are doing it to get comfortable with the order of
operations. I spent most of the first few months watching Lisa, Betty, and others, trying to not
be a creep about it. No one cares and everyone is happy to answer questions because they
were new once too! Also, ask/learn how to safely bail from a failed lift before you try it out.

Tell us a little bit about you and your family?  I’m like a multitasking ninja – juggling mom duties, wife obligations, and corporate chaos with a smile on my face! 

My husband, Roy and I have been childhood sweethearts for 27 years now. We’re proud parents of three wonderful children: Adeline (24), excelling as a Registered Nurse at Fresno Regional Community Hospital, and our twin boys, Roy Roy and Christian (20), who are thriving in a post-secondary special education program and on the autism spectrum. In between kids activities, therapies, IEP meetings and everything in between, I’ve been dedicated to my role at Xfinity for the past 18 years. Oh…we also have a pocket bully pup named Kona Blue. 

Occupation? Sr. Manager, Business Development at Xfinity 

Tell us something we don’t know about you? I’ve recently launched the Mana Scholarship Foundation, aimed at supporting students with their college expenses, empowering them to pursue higher education and thrive. This year, I’ve awarded scholarships to two young moms who will be attending Stanford University and Carrington College in the fall.

When did you start training at CrossFit ValleyView? I began training when I moved from San Jose to Los Banos in September 2022. I was already working out regularly and knew that a new town wouldn’t change that. I tried a 5 AM class at CFVV and was hooked and never looked back.

What did you think after completing your first CrossFit workout? Before discovering CrossFit, I was into cardio kickboxing, but CrossFit opened up a whole new world for me. There is something incredibly liberating about loading plates on a barbell and moving. One of my earliest WODs was Murph, and it left a lasting and painful impression. Then, shortly after that I registered for CrossFit Open and that elevated my whole appreciation for the CrossFit community. 

Main reason for joining CFVV? It’s a form of self-care! It’s the community! It’s my doctor reminding me every year that I have a heart of an athlete. 

What is your fitness background? Over ten years back, I got into cardio kickboxing because I was obese and heading towards a path to declining health. I managed to drop 87 pounds in my first year by doing lots of cardio and eating super clean. But, that lifestyle wasn’t sustainable and needed a change. Then, I found CrossFit and the rest is history.

How has your CFVV fitness journey improved your life? It’s completely shifted my mindset about how I see myself in terms of the number on the scale. I used to be obsessed with it, but CrossFit has taught me to prioritize my performance instead of the 3 digit number on the scale.

What results have you seen so far since joining CFVV? My body has undergone some changes, leaning out in certain areas, and gaining strength overall. But what’s truly remarkable is how great I feel. My mental focus and clarity has improved, and I’ve gained a different kind of confidence. Stress seems to roll off my shoulders more easily now. There’s just something about working out that gives you that feeling.

What is your favorite workout? Anything with deadlifts! 

Do you have any special or successful training memories/moments? During Wellness Week, Coach Grac let me know I was one movement away from leveling up to CrossFitter. Even though I wasn’t really keeping track, he said, “Just run really, really fast.” His straightforward advice pushed me to meet the time and level up, and I was appreciative of his “get after it” encouragement.

What is your next health/fitness goal? I’ve never been much of a runner—I tend to jog more than anything else. My mile times usually range from 11 to 16 minutes. My next goal is to improve my overall endurance. 

What advice would you give someone thinking of starting CFVV? Many people find CrossFit intimidating because they see incredibly fit athletes at the CrossFit Games or scroll through social media and see hundreds of in-shape people doing the workouts. Making you think, “There’s no way I can do that.” What you don’t see are people like me who almost always complete the scaled version of the WOD. Yes, there are super-fit individuals in CrossFit, but “fit” is subjective. One person’s definition of being fit and healthy may differ from someone else’s. If you’re looking to challenge yourself, join a supportive community, and develop lifelong habits, just give it a try!

Occupation? Teacher

When did you start CrossFitting? 2018

What did you think after completing your first CrossFit workout? Honestly… I cried. I wasn’t sure that I could do it, but I kept going, and eventually, I started to not only enjoy Crossfit but made it part of my daily routine. 

What is your fitness background? I don’t have much of a fitness background but coming to classes on a routine.

How has CFVV changed your life? Crossfit ValleyView has influenced the way I eat, the way I think about nutrition and exercise, and instilled lifelong habits that will improve not only my health but, hopefully, my longevity. 

What results have you seen so far since coming to CFVV?  I have been able to do many things that I never thought possible and have seen myself improve on not only speed but weight, time, balance, and form.

What is your favorite workout? I love deadlifts and working on my pull-ups.

Do you have any special or successful CFVV memories/moments? Any PRs or challenges are special to me because they allow me to challenge myself to go further than I’ve ever gone before.

What is your future CrossFit goal? My Crossfit goals tend to change from time to time based on where I am in my Crossfit journey, but right now, I’d like to be able to master a pull-up.

What advice would you give to a newbie or someone just joining CrossFit? Keep going because it looks scary at first but it is manageable and what’s manageable, eventually becomes easier, until you have to make new goals to be able to push yourself further than you’ve ever thought possible. Take it one day at a time.

Tell us a little bit about you and your family? Evan and I have been married for 10 years, together we have raised a blended family of our 5 kids (3 mine, 2 his). Our kids have begun to leave the nest with the last one graduating high school this year and the rest spread out across 3 states from California, Idaho and Arkansas. I also have 2 grandsons and another on the way in October 2024.

Occupation? I am a Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach and one of your CrossFit Coaches.

Tell us something we don’t know about you? Outside of Crossfit I love hiking, backpacking and pretending to like whitewater rafting for the sake of my husband.  If you say a pop culture phrase to me I’ll smile and nod, but I’ll have no idea what you’re talking about.  Ask me about sunrises.

When did you start CrossFitting? I started CrossFit at CFVV in 2015.

What did you think after completing your first CrossFit workout? “That was fun!”

Main reason for joining CFVV? The first time I joined CFVV in 2015 I had been a group fitness instructor for 10 years and wanted to have a group fitness class that was just for me. More recently, I came back to classes at CFVV in October of 2023 after a 2.5 year break from CF. During that time I did a lot of Olympic Weightlifting and Powerbuilding alone in my home gym and decided to come back to CVFF for the community! We can get fit alone but getting fitter with friends is a lot more fun! Also, as I age, my physical fitness is going to support my physical and mental wellness. I want to age as gracefully and with as few medical interventions as possible, CrossFit is going to help me do that. 

What is your fitness background? I am a lifetime fitness enthusiast. Youth and High school sports, I did a lot of running when my kids were little, obstacle course races, half marathons, and instructing group fitness classes for nearly 20 years. You could say I have done it all.

How has CFVV changed your life? Over the past 9 years I have learned that I really love to doing hard things! Its also made me mentally stronger, which has made me a better wife, parent, friend and coach.

What results have you seen so far since coming to CFVV? 7 years ago, through lifestyle and behavior change I lost 30 pounds and have kept it off. I have also seen my identity, values and priorities change, a lot. I dont want to go out and eat and drink on the weekend, I want to play, nourish and hydrate so I can get after it on Monday!

What is your favorite workout? I love a good partner workout with my husband Evan, or my favorite partner, Sarah.

Do you have any special or successful CFVV memories/moments? The moments that stand out most to me include supporting an athlete to do doing something they didnt think they could and meaningful conversations with athletes before or after class.

What is your future CrossFit goal? Short term: attend classes 3x a week in the summer, 4x a week the rest of the year and get my feet healthy so I can do DU and run again! 1 year goal: Link C2B in the open next year, and become proficient with T2B and strict pullups again. Lifetime goal: to be a fit and healthy old lady.

What advice would you give to a newbie or someone just joining CrossFit? Scale, Scale, Scale, Scale. You will get stronger, you will get faster, scaling will help you get there and have a lot more fun in the process. We dont do CrossFit to get good at CrossFit, we do CrossFit to get better at life. 

Tell us a little bit about you and your family?
I come from a large family who’s lives all revolve around agriculture and being with eachother. I
love being around family as they have the same interests as I do.
I work for my uncle in farming.
Tell us something we don’t know about you?
I enjoy hunting and traveling.
When did you start training at CrossFit ValleyView?
At a young age, 12 I believe
What did you think after completing your first CrossFit workout?
After my first CrossFit workout I thought I was the strongest kid ever.
Main reason for joining CFVV?
My main reason for joining is because not only do I want to be strong but I want to improve my
endurance and ability to become better in sports and work.
What is your fitness background?
CrossFit Valley View was my first gym but before that I played all sports.
How has your CFVV fitness journey improved your life?
Yes it has improved my life, I can do things others can’t, I feel amazing, I rarely get sick or feel
unwell, and I don’t get tired easily.
What results have you seen so far since joining CFVV? I have noticed a larger result in football. I’ve been able to run and put in work longer than any other kid not only cause Christ has made me stronger, but improved my endurance.
What is your favorite workout?
My favorite workouts are workouts that revolve around weights. I love weightlifting.
Do you have any special or successful training memories/moments?
I have no special memories but every day working out at CrossFit Valleyview is a special
workout to me.
What is your next health/fitness goal?
My next fitness goal is to grow in size with muscle.
What advice would you give someone thinking of starting CFVV?
Advice I would give to someone starting at CrossFit. Valleyview is always work your hardest, and you will see the best results.

Tell us a little bit about you and your family?
Raised five children in Los Banos who challenged me to join Crossfit.
Mom first, Realtor with Westhill Real Estate for 30 years
Tell us something we don’t know about you?
I swear
When did you start training at CrossFit ValleyView?
June 2023
What did you think after completing your first CrossFit workout?
I could have been worse but was hopeful to accomplish more as time went on
Main reason for joining CFVV?
Keep out of the doctor’s office, not be a burden to anyone, not have to take any medications by
staying fit
What is your fitness background?
Learned from my Dad who worked out daily the old fashioned way. Would go out for a run and
come back and do calisthenics
How has your CFVV fitness journey improved your life?
I feel more secure on my health journey and love the crossfit family. Everyone is so
encouraging to one another to keep pushing, doing a good job and telling one another, “ You’ve
got this”

What results have you seen so far since joining CFVV?
More stamina, eating healthier, weight loss
What is your favorite workout?
Anything but burpees. Inner core workouts, running, jump rope.
Do you have any special or successful training memories/moments?
Running a half mile in the dark without tripping
What is your next health/fitness goal?
Being able to do a pull-up to chin on bar and a full push-up
What advice would you give someone thinking of starting CFVV?
Go for it, you will never regret it. You will feel better, look better and it has really helped my
mental health to be more positive with a great outlook for the future.

Tell us a little bit about you and your family?
My mother and I have lived in Los Banos for 10 years.
Store manager at Grocery Outlet and Merced County Substitute teacher.
Tell us something we don’t know about you?
I have competed on the United States Student Riding Equestrian team throughout Europe
and currently hold the only bronze medal ever won for the team in Versailles, France.
When did you start CrossFitting?
February 2022
What did you think after completing your first CrossFit workout?
I absolutely loved it! The encouragement and love the coaches have for the athletes is very
respectable. They want you to achieve greatness and help you get their step by step.
Main reason for joining CFVV?
Mental health, weight loss and fitness. Meeting new people is always exciting as well.
What is your fitness background?
Training horses and running short distances while training pitbulls.
How has CFVV changed your life?
CFVV has given me the steps to better myself and to better achieve goals. While at the same
time getting conditioned and properly learning how to weight lift.
What results have you seen so far since coming to CFVV?

I have lost weight and gained back my focus in life. My mental health is much stronger than
before and my clothes are starting to fall off.
What is your favorite workout?
My favorite workout is Annie because I love doing sit-ups and single unders. Great workout!!
Do you have any special or successful CFVV memories/moments?
My favorite memory is when I ran a mile with James Thornton and he pushed me to run my
10.30 mile. I couldn’t believe I got it done but he made sure I would not fail.
What is your future CrossFit goal?
My future CrossFit goal is to do a pull-up.
What advice would you give to a newbie or someone just joining CrossFit?
My advice would be to enjoy every moment. We are doing this for our future health and each
step we take is for a better future for our bodies and minds. Enjoy the ride!

Tell us a little bit about you and your family? 

I’m the third generation born and raised in Los Banos. 


I’m a second grade teacher. 

Tell us something we don’t know about you? 

I am certified in yoga and love to teach yoga on my free time. 

When did you start CrossFitting? 

This is my third year at CFVV

What did you think after completing your first CrossFit workout? 

I absolutely loved it. I feel like normal workouts don’t tire me out or feel fully fulfilled and I typically I have to do another workout on top. After my first class I was exhausted and felt fulfilled after that ONE workout. 

Main reason for joining CFVV? 

I was an athlete growing up, playing softball and volleyball and after I graduated HS I noticed I missed the competitive aspect and immediately found that when I joined CFVV. 

What is your fitness background? 

My fitness background encompasses a range of activities such as competitive sports in high school, yoga instructor in college, and over the past 3 years I have transitioned to weightlifting and strength training.

How has CFVV changed your life? 

CFVV has positively impacted my life by improving my overall fitness, enhancing strength and endurance, fostering a sense of community through group workouts, and promoting a mindset of continuous improvement and goal setting. It  also has led  to increased energy levels, better mental resilience, and a healthier lifestyle. I also feel very accomplished once I have finished a workout! 

What results have you seen so far since coming to CFVV? 

I have seen many results such as; increased cardiovascular endurance, improved strength and enhanced flexibility. 

What is your favorite workout?

My favorite workout is Helen. I love a strength training workout when it’s paired with cardio. 

Do you have any special or successful CFVV memories/moments? 

My favorite memory is when I competed in the intramural. It was so awesome to watch our team and cheer each other on!

What is your future CrossFit goal? 

My future CrossFit goal, is to continuously keep hitting PRs and to learn how to link butterfly pull-ups. 

What advice would you give to a newbie or someone just joining CrossFit? 

My advice would be to never give up. Don’t ever look at the time, and keep pushing yourself to your fullest ability. Always ask questions to better yourself in the box! 

Tell us a little bit about you and your family?

I live with my boyfriend Eric and more recently, my Dad Robin. My boyfriend is a mechanical

engineer and my father is a retired police officer. I have always had an affinity for animals and

luckily Eric does too. We live in a100 year old ranch house in old town Los Banos and have 3

dogs, 3 cats, a bearded dragon and a bunch of chickens. ��

Writing this down is a good reminder that this has been a major blessing.


I am a 7th grade Science teacher and work at Los Banos Junior High. Go Tigers!

Tell us something we don’t know about you?

I am a Polish citizen as well as an American citizen.

When did you start CrossFitting?

I have been doing Crossfit on and off since around 2020. I really appreciate what it allows me to

do outside the gym. The idea of putting oneself through difficult circumstances on purpose in

order to be able to handle the challenges of life appeals to me.

What did you think after completing your first CrossFit workout?

I think I was mostly just in awe of the abilities of the other Crossfitters in the gym. I really had

no concept of building muscle or barbell technique and I remember just looking at the people

around me and going “WOW.” I still do. I’m pretty sure I just tried not to stop or throw up after

the first workout! I remember being really proud and wanting to come back for more.

Main reason for joining CFVV?

In the beginning I joined merely to maintain my appearance. It’s somewhat ironic because

Crossfit has begun to allow me to begin healing my relationship with my body. When I started

to be able to lift heavier weights, for the first time in my life I wasn’t concerned with how my


body looked but what it could do. That was incredibly freeing and healing. Now I go for mental

health and to purposely expose myself to difficult things.

What is your fitness background?

I have been working out on and off my entire life. I really loved surfing when I was younger and

started lifting weights on my own in my mid twenties. Crossfit fills the space of surfing. It’s an


How has CFVV changed your life?

I am hugely indebted to CFVV and its coaches. I really can’t thank the team enough. Thank you

for putting up with me! I’m giving you a big cheesy grin right now even though you can’t see it!

A couple of years ago I had hit a bottom. I decided to change pretty much everything about my

life and approach it from a very different perspective. CFVV has helped me move from a place

of chronic illness, and feeling bad in my body to having healthy routines to focus on to handle

the ups and downs of life.

When you heal your body and start to develop healthy habits, your relationships with people

and the community also changes. Your relationship with yourself changes and your ability to

also just HANDLE things increases.

What results have you seen so far since coming to CFVV?

There are so many good things that I’ve seen from myself since coming to CFVV. Here are a few

of the big ones.

I can meditate. I am able to forget there is anyone in the room and just focus on what I am

doing. It is such a blessing.

I was able to get off medication. I have been able to handle crowds and noise again! I have

been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder several times in my life. The methodologies

at CFVV have given me coping skills so that when times are hard this is just something I manage

that doesn’t control me. I am not a product of my environment but rather a product of the

choices I make and the work I am willing to put in. Take that Freud.

I just hit a clean and jerk of 110 and recently hit a deadlift of 230. This summer I climbed a

glacier in the Alps! I don’t think I would have even tried this without the training I received.

What is your favorite workout?

I love anything to do with barbell class. We do a lot of snatch work and complexes. If I can hit a

previous PR in a complex I know I’m going to go up in a 1 rep max and that’s a great feeling.

Sidenote: I have a picture of myself in my mid twenties learning to lift weights and the trainer

bar and even the barbell used to be a lot for me. It’s kind of neat now to see newer members

learning and to be able to help and encourage them.


Do you have any special or successful CFVV memories/moments?

I really enjoyed it when my boyfriend Eric came to buddy day with me. ��

What is your future CrossFit goal?

When I do wellness checks we talk a lot about perspective taking. My most recent homework is

making a list of things I don’t care about…. because my October and November has been

somewhat challenging. For example I am sitting here writing this with a case of the flu. I am

trending upward with my health, so my goal is to get that list done and just focus again on

consistency and not giving in or giving up for the rest of November and December. Overall I

would like to move to STEER because I believe I would be moving a health category further

away from illness.

What advice would you give to a newbie or someone just joining CrossFit?

If you let it, it can become about so much more than just a workout.

Crossfit helps you get strong, and not just physically. It builds resilience that you can carry with


When I was able to climb that glacier in Switzerland there were a few moments on my way

where I was just thinking “God why did I even do this?” Those moments were similar to the end

of a few difficult WODS that I had and I was able to think back to that saying to myself, this is

temporary, its almost over.

I made it to my destination. Nobody can ever take that away from me, and it was a moment in

my life I will always remember.

Tell us a little bit about you and your family?
I was born and raised in Los Banos. I grew up playing sports and raising sheep. I then
went to college where I played water polo and got my degree in health exercise sports science.
I am very close to my family and so happy that they demonstrated healthy lifestyle habits that
helped lead me to where I am today. I love that I get to work alongside my family members at
CFVV on a daily basis.
I work as a physician assistant
Tell us something we don’t know about you?
I absolutely love Skinny Pop and do not like the color red.
When did you start Training?
I started training at CFVV in August 2021.
What did you think after completing your first Workout?
I was breathing heavily and was tired but enjoyed the workout and knew right away
Crossfit suited me.
Main reason for joining CFVV Training?
I moved back to Los Banos and was looking to establish roots at a gym. I enjoy working
out in a group setting and having planned workouts established for me that include cardio,
strength training and skill work. CVFF meets all these needs as well as having a fun community
What is your fitness background?
I swam, played water polo, and basketball in high school, and then water polo in college.
I also enjoy running and taking yoga classes.

What results have you seen so far since starting?
I am stronger in all aspects physically and mentally. I can lift more weights, run faster
and do gymnastic skills I have never been able to do before.
What is your favorite movement?
Power cleans, and I love a workout that incorporates running.
Do you have any special or successful Training memories/moments?
My fondest memories are when I get to workout in the same class as my family
What is your future fitness goals?
I want to continue showing up each day, thankful I have the ability to participate in
crossfit. Getting my first bar muscle up would be a bonus.
What advice would you give to a newbie or someone just joining our Training?
Just show up. Walk into the gym with an open mind and good attitude. Being present
and consistent is key. Also don’t forget to stretch! It is something I do daily to prevent injury.

Tell us a little bit about you and your family? I am 21 years old, I have 5 siblings, 3 brothers and 1 sister. I am currently in college to receive my bachelors degree and credentials to be an elementary teacher. I also am a proud dog mom to the cutest dachshund (Oakley). 

Occupation? I currently am a teachers ad for a pre school, along with working in an office as client relations.

Tell us something we don’t know about you? I really like to hunt with my family!

When did you start Training at Crossfit? I started training October 4th 2021

What did you think after completing your first crossfit workout?  I knew I was in the right place. I loved being challenged and I was thankful the workout was already planned, I felt like that was always the biggest battle. 

Main reason for joining CFVV?  My main reason for joining was to stay fit, healthy and to meet new people!

What is your fitness background? I run a lot and I have been to a few other gyms prior to coming to crossfit.

How has CFVV changed your life? Crossfit has changed my life tremendously because it has taught me not only how to be consistent but how to eat better. It has also given me the opportunity to mend such great friendships.

What results have you seen so far since starting?  I have seen results in my upper body strength. Before I started crossfit I hated my arms. Now I love them because I can see the progress. 

What is your favorite workout? Jerry, because it has cardio.

Do you have any special or successful Virtual Training memories/moments? I will cherish all my memories and laughs at 5am class with all my early birds. Truly never a dull moment at 5 am.

What are your future fitness goals? To get a pull up!

What advice would you give to a newbie or someone just joining Virtual Training? Don’t be intimidated…. Just do it, take the chance to meet new people. Always remember you are capable of doing anything you put your mind to. CROSSFIT IS FOR EVERYBODY!

Tell us a little bit about you and your family?

My family means the world to me. Most of my family lives here in LB and has for most of their lives. We love to have family dinners on Sundays.



Tell us something we don’t know about you?

My family owns a ranch that we do guided pig hunts on.

When did you start Training?

I first started CrossFit in high school with my step dad. I stayed with it for about a year and then moved on to college. I then came back to CrossFit about two years ago.

What did you think after completing your first Workout?

This time around I thought to myself “wow, I’ve missed this”.

Main reason for joining CFVV Training?

My main reason for joining was to increase my chances of living a healthier life.

What is your fitness background?

During my high school years when I was playing three sports, I would strength train with my dad. This is where my motivation for going to the gym and getting stronger started. He helped guide me and gave me the knowledge on different workouts and movements. My whole life I have been a pretty active person and plan to continue that.

What results have you seen so far since starting?

I would say my overall mental health has improved after starting CrossFit. Going to the gym, being around good people, and pushing myself to be better, has made for positive change in my life.

What is your favorite movement?

Power cleans

Do you have any special or successful Training memories/moments?

Being apart of the opens are probably some of my top memories. I like being apart of a team and last year was the first time I participated in the open and our team came out on top.

What is your future fitness goals?

My fitness goal would be to stay consistent and be better at goal making.
What advice would you give to a newbie or someone just joining our Training?
Have fun! Take things at your own pace, embrace your new CrossFit family, and try to stay consistent.

Tell us a little bit about you and your family?

I am 21 years old, the youngest daughter of 2. I have an older sister who just graduated from Arizona State University. My family has lived in Los Banos my whole life. I recently just finished my time up at Modesto Junior College where I majored in Animal Science. I transferred to Oklahoma State University *GO POKES* where I will start this fall taking classes for the next two years getting my bachelors in Animal Science Farm and Ranching Operations.  


Full time college student and the Client Relations person here at CrossFit ValleyView

Tell us something we don’t know about you?

I am pretty much an open book. I don’t think there is anything no one already knows about me 🙂

When did you start Training?

I started training at CFVV back in 2012 when we still had a varsity workout class but due to me playing sports and being involved in other activities I had to stop. A couple of years down the road I came back and left again just because at the time I wasn’t as serious about working out like I am today. But I officially came back to CFVV back in 2021.

What did you think after completing your first Workout?

After finishing my first workout I couldn’t have felt worse. My body hadn’t had such an intense workout in a very long time. I was sore for days but once I left the gym and went on with my day I felt so much better. I had so much more energy and had a different attitude.

Main reason for joining CFVV Training? 

I wanted to get moving especially after covid. I wanted to get into shape again

What is your fitness background?

I trained here at CFVV when I was 11 then on and off for a couple of years after but in between I was still doing sports like cheer, tennis, and swim. 

What results have you seen so far since starting? 

I have become SO MUCH stronger. Especially in my arms. I used to never be able to do a push up but now I am doing them on my knees. I am still working on getting my pull up but one thing at a time. 

What is your favorite movement?

Everyone knows deadlift is my all time favorite movement. I have always been so strong in my legs that when we deadlift I feel like the Hulk

Do you have any special or successful Training memories/moments?

After being back at crossfit for the last 2 years now, I have found a new appreciation for running. It’s still not my favorite thing to do but now when I am home and want to workout in some way I noticed I go for runs more often than I used to which is huge for me since I HATED running.

What is your future fitness goals?

My future fitness goal is to continue to strengthen my arms so I can get my first kipping pull up but also my stamina. When I was on my town and high school swim team my lungs could handle the amount of stress I put on them but because of covid I didn’t get to swim my senior year of high school and I wasn’t back in the gym just yet, so I lost that ability to control my breathing. I want to be able to get through warm ups or run a 400m without feeling like I am about to die. 

What advice would you give to a newbie or someone just joining our Training?

You are going to hurt. There’s nothing around it. There will be workouts that use muscles you haven’t used in a while and you’ll feel like you got ran over by a truck, but once that pain is gone and you continue to move your body begins to learn that its okay to get stronger in these areas and the next time you do those types of workouts, you will feel so much better than the last time. But consistency is key. Continue to come even on the days you don’t feel like it, because at the end of the day it will be worth it.

Tell us a little bit about you and your family? 

I am 39 years old, married and have 5 children (3 boys, 2 girls) and 1 Grandson. My kids keep me very busy with sports and various activities. I enjoy watching them grow and love being their mom.


I am a Business Owner/Bookkeeper

Tell us something we don’t know about you? 

I love a peaceful Saturday binge watching hallmark movies (this happens rarely) and I love to dance.

When did you start CrossFitting? 

I started CrossFitting when CFVV first opened but fell off when my family started to grow. I rejoined in Oct of 2021 because I needed to get back to the gym and Crossfit was the only thing that has ever worked for me.

What did you think after completing your first CrossFit workout? 

After completing my first CrossFit workout I knew I was in the right place. I loved being challenged and I was thankful the workout was already planned, I felt like that was always the biggest battle.  

Main reason for joining CFVV? 

My main reason for joining CFVV was to be more active and overall health.

What is your fitness background? 

I didn’t have much of a fitness background besides walking a few times a week prior to CrossFit.

How has CFVV changed your life? 

CrossFit has changed my life for the better. I have more energy so I can keep up with my kids and I’m more conscious about what I eat. Overall I feel better. 

What results have you seen so far since coming to CFVV? 

Since starting CrossFit I have more energy, I’m stronger and my endurance has increased.

What is your favorite workout? 

My favorite workout is anything that has running or rowing and lifting all in the same workout.

Do you have any special or successful CFVV memories/moments? 

Being surrounded by people that encourage you is special. You won’t find that at just any gym.

What is your future CrossFit goal? 

I plan to attend more classes weekly and work on my nutrition.

What advice would you give to a newbie or someone just joining CrossFit? 

Don’t let a single workout intimidated you, modify if needed and Just Do It!

Tell us a little bit about you and your family? 

My family and I have lived in Los Banos for 15 years. I have been married for 18 years. I am a mother to three teenage daughters. Like most, we are a busy family that spends most of our time at someone’s sporting event. 


I am a Lecturer within the English Department at San Jose State University and with College Nine at UC Santa Cruz. 

Tell us something we don’t know about you? 

I love to tap dance. Some days, you will find me in my garage tapping to the “Irish Pub” station on Pandora. 

When did you start CrossFitting? 

I started Crossfit 29 November 2021. 

What did you think after completing your first CrossFit workout? 

After the completion of my first Crossfit workout, my initial thought was that I just finished something that was difficult. I felt good! I was excited and tired! 

Main reason for joining CFVV? 

The main reason for joining CFVV was because I wanted to feel and look better. 

What is your fitness background?  

I have always belonged to a gym of some sort. I used to run a lot; however, over the years, I lost interest in working out and my life consisted of family, graduate school, and teaching. 

How has CFVV changed your life? 

CFVV has changed my life in numerous ways. I have been consistent with my workouts since I started. I have gained a thinner and stronger physique, meaningful friendships, and a new mentality when it comes to fitness, food, and health. The only regret that I have is not joining sooner. 

What results have you seen so far since coming to CFVV? 

I have lost and kept off 20 pounds. I have gone from a size XL to a M. I can see muscles in my body that I never knew existed. Although these results are great and exactly what I wanted, I am more impressed with my mindset. I have learned that when I surround myself with like minded individuals, who encourage and inspire me to be the best version of myself that I can be, my days are brighter and with purpose.  

What is your favorite workout? 

I do not think that I have a favorite WOD; however, my favorite movements are Squat Cleans, Cleans, Wall Walks, Burpees, and Box Jumps. I do love a good Partner WOD. 

Do you have any special or successful CFVV memories/moments? 

Who does not have a special or successful memory/moment at CFVV? I have so many, but the most recent was getting my first kipping pull up. It was glorious! 

Another special memory that I have was helping and encouraging a fellow CFVV member with her box jumps. I was able to watch her face her fear and successfully complete that movement. It was a beautiful thing!

What is your future CrossFit goal? 

I really would like to link my double-unders and pull-ups. In addition to the aforementioned movements,I will also be working on my toes to bar. 

What advice would you give to a newbie or someone just joining CrossFit? 

Take pictures and videos! Document your progress. The transformation is amazing to watch. Have fun, make friends, suffer and celebrate together! 

Tell us a little bit about you and your family? 

 We moved out to los banos back In 03 and we’ve been out here since and we love it ! We’re very close since it’s just me My mom and my pops ..


 Stocker at Costco 

Tell us something we don’t know about you?

 I live a straight edge lifestyle and I’m a pescatarian 

When did you start Training? 

I mean consistently like 3 years now 

What did you think after completing your first Workout?

 I am so out of shape 

Main reason for joining CFVV Training? 

Wanted to perform better all around 

What is your fitness background? 

I use to play soccer 

What results have you seen so far since starting? 

My cardio and strength have definitely increased and I love it 

What is your favorite movement? 

I’m going to have to say the squat clean 

Do you have any special or successful Training memories/moments?

 Yeah when I was finally able to bench press more than 225 

What is your future fitness goals? 

Get more gymnastics movements down 

What advice would you give to a newbie or someone just joining our Training? 

Take everything at your own pace and be consistent 

Ezequiel Correia, Jr.
 I’m 40 years old, married with two sons.  I live in Gustine and own a dairy farm.
  I started training the very first day and class of CFVV.
After completing first workout I thought I liked it because it didn’t seem like a regular gym workout.
  Main reason I joined was to stay in shape.
Fitness background – always active and enjoyed sports.
 Results since starting – when I show up it pays off.
 Favorite movements – rowing.
Special training moments – early on in the gym a 135lb rx clean at a local competition seemed like a big deal and now it seems easy.
 Future fitness goals – work on flexibility.
Advice to newbie – make it a part of your routine.

Tell us a little bit about you and your family?
I’m not a regular mom, I’m a fur mom. I have two adorable pets, a cat named Margie and a dog
named Hamm.
My family has lived in Los Baños for about 20 years. We originally lived in Gilroy where I was
born but moved to Los Baños in my elementary school years. Go HME Hawks!
I work as the Executive Assistant to Iconic Beauty. We are a beauty and hair care product
company founded on the pillars Look Good, Feel Good and Do Good.
Tell us something we don’t know about you?
I was previously a group fitness instructor for Pilates and Barre.
When did you start Training?
I started CrossFit training in March of 2022.
What did you think after completing your first Workout?
I felt exhilarated and challenged in a way I hadn’t been before.
Main reason for joining CFVV Training?
I was approaching my milestone 30th birthday and wanted to try something new. CrossFit had
always been a format of exercising that intrigued me, so I decided to go for it and sign up.
What is your fitness background?
I have been weight lifting for about 10 years and have been active in a variety exercise formats
such as yoga, Pilates, Barre and running.

What results have you seen so far since starting?
I have noticed that my cardiovascular endurance has increased, as well as my agility and overall
athletic performance. Also, I have an increased confidence in my ability to try new things.
What is your favorite movement?
I like to power clean. It’s a whole body movement that takes coordination and contemplation.
It’s my favorite because it lends itself to variation and other complexes.
Do you have any special or successful Training memories/moments?
I remember back when I was signing up and looking at the class schedule. I figured I’d be doing
most of my workouts in the evening.
Little did I know that I’d join the 5 am club and LOVE it. It’s my favorite time to move and better
yet I’m surrounded by the best people.
What are your future fitness goals?
I’m currently training for a half and full marathon.
What advice would you give to a newbie or someone just joining our Training?
My advice would be:
Trying something new or different brings a lot of doubt and apprehension at first but the
reward of putting yourself through a CrossFit workout far outweighs the regret of not going for

Jackie Garay February Member of the Month!  “There is no exquisite beauty… without some strangeness in the proportion” – E.A. Poe
I’m a 28 yr old Filipino guy born and raised in California. My Dad was a Marine and my Mom was in the Army, so growing up I was always involved in some sort of activity or sport.  I was involved in volleyball, some gymnastics, I competed in national bowling tournaments, and I also have a black belt in taekwondo. 
I was hairstylist for 9.5 years and then decided I wanted to be a nurse, and then decided I wanted to be a doctor. My ultimate goal is to be a Medical Doctor. The moment I decided to change careers is also when I decided to get into CrossFit. I wanted to change my entire life. 
I have a history of not being consistent with my workout training unless someone is pushing me or reminding me. CrossFit doesn’t just build a strong body, it also builds a strong mind. The mind will usually fail before the body does, so it is crucial to refine your mindset. CrossFit does this for me. By overcoming a physical challenge, suddenly, other challenging aspects of life seem less intimidating. The neurological pathway to succeed in life is greatly enhanced when you simply show up. 
My favorite movements are back squats, deadlifts, and double unders. Hitting a 400lb deadlift and back squat is one of the most intoxicating feelings ever. The day I was able to string together 30+ double unders was also satisfying because of the sheer coordination that is needed. My biggest goal is to do my first Bar Muscle up in 2023. 
One of the most amazing things I’ve noticed is when I entered into the “Competitor” level, I haven’t gotten sick with anything, my immune system has been the best it’s ever been, no eczema flare ups, and the most notable thing: no pain in the body. Sure, there is soreness from working out, but I don’t experience things like low back pain anymore. CrossFit will be my forever activity for fitness because it’s fun, it’s inclusive, there’s always new things to improve on, and everything can be modified to be more compatible with your fitness goals. 

Tell us a little bit about you and your family?
I was born and raised in Los Banos on a small family farm with my four brothers.  I have 16 year old son Jett that has been spotted back in the gym now that his football season has come to an end!

I am actual employed by my oldest brother Chase.  I’m a Water Specialist at Water and Land Solutions here in Los Banos.  We assist farmers in all their water needs so they can feed America!

Tell us something we don’t know about you?
I have been widowed since Jett was 13 months old.  Oh and I’m an alcoholic in recovery, eight and a half years of sobriety!

When did you start training at CrossFit ValleyView?
I joined CrossFit ValleyView just over a year ago, when Jett and I moved back to town, but going on my seventh year involved in CrossFit.

What did you think after completing your first CrossFit workout?
All I can remember is attempting to throw a 10# wall ball up against the wall and nearly falling over when “trying” to catch it.

Main reason for joining CFVV?
I went through nutritional coaching with Jen about 3 years (amazing results) and had taken a few strengthening classes. It just always seemed like a really close knit, friendly place whenever I dropped in, more than just a place to workout. When we moved back to town last October, there was no doubt what gym we were joining!

What is your fitness background? 
I’ve always been active. High School Sports, I got into running in college and after college started running Marathons with my brother and sister-in-law.  I decided I wanted to do more and tone up my body a bit, plus my knees weren’t liking all the pounding.

How has your CFVV fitness journey improved your life?
I can honestly say that Crossfit is so much more mental health for me than physical health.  Yes, it’s nice to look in the mirror and feel good about your “outside” physical appearance, but happiness, peace, confidence for me personally all starts mentally within myself!  CFVV is my absolute HAPPY PLACE, it’s my time just for me and releasing my endorphins.  When I walk into the gym I like to express empathy, compassion and encouragement, not just with the workout but personally.  It’s more than just throwing barbells around; it really is to me our own little community/family.  I’ve started getting involved in activities with members outside of the gym, rather it be a competition, a Sunday walk with the ladies or a hike!  I can truly say that what I consider to be some of my best friends, I only met a year ago!

What results have you seen so far since joining CFVV?
Of course my lifts have increased, Saturdays Barbell club with Grac has been key on improving my forms, etc. Endurance and stamina getting stronger/better, really enjoy incorporating dumbbells into the workouts.  But I have noticed that I haven’t hit any new PR’s in a few months with the barbell.  I’ve realized after watching and talking and talking and talking with some of the lady’s in my age group that I may have hit my peak (discussed with Grac as well).  But at the age of 47, I’m totally ok with it…….I think!  This is where the mental part comes in.  I’m learning to listen to my body, if it hurts or doesn’t feel right stop. Do what feels good that day and just KEEP ON MOVING!  I never did that before.  

What is your favorite workout? 
I’ll tell you my least favorite is one that includes pull-ups.  I don’t know what it is about the darn bar above my head.  They fatigue me so fast, that is why it’s included as one of my goals.  I enjoy ones where a little bike/row/run are incorporated.

Do you have any special or successful training memories/moments? 
I would have to say that my special memory is when Jett entered his first competition back in September.  It was in the mist of football season, so he hadn’t been training or even had a practice run of the movements.  He went out there being the youngest and against men that where double his age with much more experience and training.  But with Coach Grac on the side line cueing him with instructions and counting down for Jett on his fingers…….could you possibly ask for anything more? Huge confidence builder, something that we are working on with him at the age of 16! Proud Momma moment!

What is your next health/fitness goal? 
I would love to focus on the gymnastics aspect of CrossFit.  Improve my handstand walks, perfect my pull ups, possible BAR MUSCLE UP, prior to turning 50 would be nice…..hoping 3 year would be enough time, uggghhhh!

What advice would you give someone thinking of starting CFVV? 
I totally understand how it can be intimidating walking into a new gym, but we all had to start somewhere.  Everything can be modified, you are working against yourself, you are you own competition!  It is so important to keep track of your times/weights, to see your accomplishments…..I personally suggest a handwritten LOG BOOK, just ask most the 5 am’ers!  It’s a gym that the entire family can be a part of and workout together.  Some dads toss a football around with their sons, Jett and I toss barbells around.  It truly is bonding time for us, something we have in common, enjoy and talk about!

Tell us a little bit about you, and your family? I am a Mom of two amazing children, who keep me very busy. My Husband and I have been married for 15 years. We love spending time as a family, whether it be attending their sport activities on the weekends, beach trips, or exploring up in the mountains.

Occupation? I am an Office Assistant

Tell us something we don’t know about you? I am extremely shy….until I get to know you.

When did you start training at CrossFit ValleyView? I started training at CFVV in June 2020.

What did you think after completing your first CrossFit workout? It was not easy, but I loved it.

Main reason for joining CFVV? I wanted to be healthier, and stronger. I missed being active. I was ready to push myself, and quit making excuses.

What is your fitness background? When I was younger, I loved swimming on the Tiger Sharks team. As I got older, I played tons of travel softball. I continued playing softball, as well volleyball all through Jr High, and High School.

How has your CFVV fitness journey improved your life? CFVV has taught me to be consistent, as well as accountable. It also gets me out of my comfort zone, something I hate doing.

What results have you seen so far since joining CFVV? I am physically stronger; I have gained muscle, as well as stamina. I am able to complete workouts quicker, and with more weight.

What is your favorite workout? I would not say I have a favorite, but if I had to choose, anything to do with arms.

Do you have any special or successful training memories/moments? My special moments are being able to complete workouts within the allotted time. Completing workouts that are not my favorite, or that are tough. I think for me personally, just that fact that I am still here, showing up, and pushing my self is a success.

What is your next health/fitness goal? To consistently make better eating habits.

What advice would you give someone thinking of starting CFVV? I think most people hear the word “CrossFit” and instantly psych themselves out. There are tons of accommodations for all the movements, and everyone is extremely encouraging. We all have to start somewhere. My advice would be, come find out for yourself, you’d be surprised what you can achieve

Tell us a little bit about you and your family? I’m son, brother, uncle, and friend. I’m family-oriented and enjoy spending time with them on weekends. There’s never a dull moment between my nuclear and extended families. Seeing as how I’m relatively single in my thirties with the main pursuit of career, family helps me to stay grounded.

Occupation? I’m a social worker. Started out volunteering my time with Pacifica Deaf Camp during summertime while in college, presenting the opportunity of a job interpreting American Sign Language for the Merced County Behavioral Health & Recovery Services. Then got hired on as a mental health worker, which I did for roughly four years. I’ve since returned to college for grad school while also student-interning at my regular job as a mental health clinician at Hilmar Unified School District.

Tell us something we don’t know about you? Though I’m deaf and a lip-reader (explaining my struggle with face masks), I can communicate in four different languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish, and ASL.

When did you start training at CrossFit ValleyView? I started CFVV with personal training on July 3 rd of 2021 and group sessions on Labor Day of 2021.

What did you think after completing your first CrossFit workout? Not as horrible as I’ve been led to believe in preceding years. I felt accomplished and euphoric, making it easier to maintain consistency and quit a binge-drinking habit I’ve acquired during pandemic quarantine. 

Main reason for joining CFVV? Self-care. Given the nature of my job, I needed to cultivate good habits to help offset daily stressors and the urges to indulge in self-destructive behaviors. I also needed to tone up seeing as how I’d previously lost 110 lbs., much of which was muscle mass, by way of intermittent fasting, a keto diet, and zero exercising.


What is your fitness background? There was none! The most active I’ve ever gotten growing up was junior high soccer, dancing Luso, and feeding calves. Two botched back surgeries in adolescence gave way to a sedentary lifestyle, taking me ten plus years to finally avert.

How has your CFVV fitness journey improved your life? CFVV has given me a new lease on life, in that I’m able to foster healthy habits and behaviors permeating all areas of my life for the better.

What results have you seen so far since joining CFVV?Since joining CFVV, I’ve seen my body change in ways I hadn’t ever seen before. I’m able to feel the engagement of muscles awarding me the ability to better perform my workouts as well as daily activities. It’s amazing watching our muscles develop while witnessing our genetic blueprint at play. I’ve observed a general improvement in daily energy, affording me greater productivity at both home and work. Likewise, I’m able to run or climb stairs easily without violently gasping for air.

What is your favorite workout? I probably enjoy the dumbbell snatch the most. I also like the rowing machine. Strength-wise, I look forward to doing power cleans and bench presses the most.

Do you have any special or successful training memories/moments? Too many to recount. When I started, I was incapable of doing just one push-up and couldn’t jump rope. Now I can do at least 15 push-ups and 120 jump ropes. I also couldn’t do any sort of pull-ups and have just recently got my first nonbanded pull-up! The feeling in overcoming our limitations is exhilarating and it’s what I love the most about CrossFit; the concept of being nobody else’s but our own greatest competitor.

What is your next health/fitness goal? While I don’t have a particular goal other than to maintain consistency, I’ve been working on getting more than one pull-up especially with the momentum of my body as I just can’t seem to get in the unbroken swing of it. So, a short-term goal would be to get at least two unbroken pull-ups.

What advice would you give someone thinking of starting CFVV? Ignore the naysayers, consistency is key, track your gains, no two athletes are alike, and never say never.

Tell us a little bit about you and your family? I’ve been married for 21yrs and have 3 amazing adult children. We are a wrestling family. Two kids wrestled in college and now one coaches at Midland University in Nebraska.

Occupation? Store Manager @ Vans

Tell us something we don’t know about you? I don’t usually take photos

When did you start training at CrossFit ValleyView? Jan 22

What did you think after completing your first CrossFit workout? It was not as hard as I thought it would be.

Main reason for joining CFVV? Want to better my overall health and fitness

What is your fitness background? Slim to none

How has your CFVV fitness journey improved your life? Mentally and physically stronger

What results have you seen so far since joining CFVV? An increase in strength and stamina

What is your favorite workout? I enjoy most workouts unless there’s burpees involved

Do you have any special or successful training memories/moments? Wellness week was awesome. It’s rewarding to see how much you’ve improved and exciting to set new goals

What is your next health/fitness goal? Working toward getting my pull ups

What advice would you give someone thinking of starting CFVV? Do it, you won’t regret it

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